Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas at the Grandmas

Grandma Joan is taking us to Jamaica in March for Christmas. It started out as "no" presents under the tree this year :(. But Grandma Joan couldn't resist and changed the quota to "two" presents. Now, I can't count yet, but I do know that I opened much more than two presents. Here is me with Grandma Joan and cousin Cam.

Aunt Ali and Uncle Eagle are always a good gathering place. You can see me here with Cousins Lily and Cameron with some of our "two" presents.

At Grandma Foley's, Papa assisted me with my first present.

The men gathered and marveled at the site of my new playskool wheel thingy.

Here I am fast asleep with cousin Katie. Just kidding! This is actually my little cousin Aaron. We wore the same outfit, same size even, but I filled it out a tid bit more.

At Great Grandma Foley's house, there is a mirror. It was great fun.

Here are all of the little Toads together. Nicholas, Sammy, Paitynn and Aaron

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