Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas at the Grandmas

Grandma Joan is taking us to Jamaica in March for Christmas. It started out as "no" presents under the tree this year :(. But Grandma Joan couldn't resist and changed the quota to "two" presents. Now, I can't count yet, but I do know that I opened much more than two presents. Here is me with Grandma Joan and cousin Cam.

Aunt Ali and Uncle Eagle are always a good gathering place. You can see me here with Cousins Lily and Cameron with some of our "two" presents.

At Grandma Foley's, Papa assisted me with my first present.

The men gathered and marveled at the site of my new playskool wheel thingy.

Here I am fast asleep with cousin Katie. Just kidding! This is actually my little cousin Aaron. We wore the same outfit, same size even, but I filled it out a tid bit more.

At Great Grandma Foley's house, there is a mirror. It was great fun.

Here are all of the little Toads together. Nicholas, Sammy, Paitynn and Aaron

Monday, December 8, 2008

I am Thankful for Family

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. My cousin Cam came to Wichita to help me celebrate my first Thanksgiving holiday at Red Robin. Check out the matching baby blues in this pic... I think that the "cousin" thing could look like a "brother" thing.

As with any special outfit, I had a sock to celebrate this momentous occasion.

My cousin Aaron also celebrated his first Thanksgiving this year. We were both told about Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, but both agreed Food, Naps, and Diapers are more important.

We definitely put the "fun" in dysfunction. Here I am with my Papa Larry, Cousins Nicholas, Aaron and Paitynn, and Grammy Donetta

Did I forget to tell you how cute I looked on Thanksgiving?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family Photo Session

For a sneak peek of my last professional photo shoot, please visit and be amazed. Teresa is a great photographer and I loved working with her.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Things that make you "OOO" (yep, another zoo trip)

It was a nice little Saturday at the Sedgewick County Zoo. In fact, getting pictures for Mom was kind of challenging since I'd rather look at the animals than the camera.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, corn...AHHH!

I'm going to get you. Just when you least expect it

Here's Dad and I in the jungle. I was quite mesmerized by this.

Wait! Did I change outfits? Hmmm. . . What could I have done?

Name---------------- Humbolt Penguin ------------------Sammy
Height ---------------25.5-27.5 in. -----------------------28.5-29 in.
Weight --------------10-11 lbs. --------------------------22.8 lbs.
Range--------------- Costal Peru & Chili -----------------Kansas

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Goin' to the Lodge

This year for Howl-O-Ween, me and the cousins visited The Great Wolf Lodge! What you can't see in this picture is that my new cousin Aaron is riding right behind me in this very large and awkward stroller that Aunt Emily used to push the twins in.

One of our first stops was the Critter Cafe inside the Lodge to get some grub. I'm usually assigned to eat by Aaron, but he's always sleeping. Oh well, I guess I'll play with my bink.

I did have a pretty good view of Nicholas, Paitynn and Grammy under a tree. They're always entertaining to watch!

At night time they had trick-or-treating in themed rooms. You can see here that I'm wearing Halloween P.J.'s because I have a habit of ruining my Halloween outfit that Mom always is putting me in. I don't really like it, so I just do a little trick that sends the outfit
to the wash. He he.

The rooms were dark lit with black lights. Scooby Doo got a little to close for comfort.

What did you say Mom? It's just a guy in a dog suit, ok. Sorry about the face earlier Scooby.

There was a really cool Finding Nemo room, only if I had my costume on. Oh Drats!

Harry Potter is a phenomenon that I don't quite understand. I chose to refrain from having my picture with this weirdo.

I'm not sure how King Kong got such a hot babe. Either way it was nice to rest in her lovely arms while Mom snapped a pic. Ooh la la.

The Pirates were an active and entertaining bunch. I couldn't even look at Mom for a picture because that Davy Jones guy was looking at me all funny like.

Did I mention how we got to KC? This travelling side show of Mom, Me, Grammy, Aunt Emily, Baby Aaron, Paitynn and Nicholas all fit in the Yukon, Clampitt style. For Mom, Paitynn and Nicholas to get out of the car they had to climb through the front seat. It was pretty interesting and I had quite a view. Not more than 10 minutes away from the lodge on the way home it was clear that we all had a good time.
Paitynn and Nicholas

Aaron and me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Poo at the Zoo

Apparently I got the wrong message. Mom said we were going to "Boo at the Zoo" and put me in a really cute orange and black outfit. That particular outfit did not make it to the zoo because I could swear Mom said "Poo at the Zoo" and my Halloween duds were no longer appropriate for wear. My cousins the ref and cheerleader obviously have better hearing, it must come with age.

I guess I didn't smell that bad. The ladies wanted to kiss me, like usual.

I made my debut on the red carpet and more people than just my Mummy were snapping photos at me. I wonder how much they'll make when they sell these shots to People magazine?

Since I couldn't have any of the candy that they were handing out, Mummy spent $1 on this plastic cup and I LOVED IT!

Landon, McKenna, Nicholas, Paitynn and I surely had fun at Poo, I mean Boo at the Zoo.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Finding Nemo

For all of you that have been wondering about my Halloween costume, your curiosity can now be relieved. I might add that this is actually a Nemo costume, not a smiling pumpkin!